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15 December 2019

Writing Corey in a Grocery Store

As you can tell from the time stamp, I didn’t exactly get to finishing my story last night. In fact, I didn’t even start it, but luckily today existed so I did it then.

As of now, “Geneva Gritz Goes to the Grocery Store” is unedited but complete. Corey discovers that she no longer likes Planter’s Peanuts and decided to give potatoes a try, so Geneva deals with it. That is basically all that happens, but I think that the story gives background for Corey that the collection insofar has otherwise lacked. In writing today, I decided that Corey is not ditzy, but instead is entirely enthralled by her own world. I hint at her elusiveness with comments which show she has a complicated life outside of the space contained within the stories. Corey is generally disconnected to Geneva, and she’s rather apathetic to the majority of her and Tinny’s endeavors with exception of this particular grocery trip. Also, in this story I decided that Corey was raised by intelligent slugs, so I think I’ll definitely have to play with that in the future (maybe she likes to slither around the floor or lay on the ground when it’s raining? Maybe she’s terrified of salt?).

For story purposes, I know I need to edit my ending (right now it is rather abrupt) and include more of Tinny (the ram) since he is such a central character in the rest of the stories. Also, I need to figure out what he eats, because before I had him dining on hemp from Whole Foods but now I realize that as a ram, Tinny would likely be eating from bales of hay or something like that. I don’t know because I am not a farmer, but I will certainly research more to figure it out.

I will also be editing the story to better fit an audiobook format and cater to blind children. Tomorrow I’ll post my research and comment on how it factored into my edits.

The Writer

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