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16 July 2015

My Bucket List

            So it’s July, which means another Camp NaNo. This month I’m trying something a little different. I will be switching the point of view every chapter, and since I’m writing about half a chapter a day, I am going to have to change my writing style a lot. But let’s push all of this aside for the moment.
I’m choosing not to reveal my plot because I don’t want anyone stealing my idea, but I’m going to tell you one little thing. My story is centered around a bucket list, which got me thinking, what’s on my bucket list?
If you don’t know what a bucket list is, here is a brief definition: a bucket list is a list of activities you want to complete before you kick the bucket, or die. Almost everyone has a bucket list, whether they’ve written it down or if it’s completely mental. In the last school year I wrote a rough draft bucket list, but it wasn’t very detailed and a few of the items have changed. So I present to you, my new and improved bucket list:
1.     Food Fight
Number one on my list is to get in a food fight. I’m not one for messes, but for as long as I can remember I have yearned to chuck a handful of spaghetti at one of my friends.
2.     Learn to Drive
I am looking forward to when I’m sixteen because I finally won’t have to ask for a ride. I’m planning to learn how to drive a manual because it is a good skill to have in case, I don’t know, you have to steal a car when running from some evil villain. Imagine taking a sigh of relief as you enter the stolen car, until you see the gear shift. “NOOOO!” you scream, and the villain reaches through the car window to take you to his evil lair.
3.     Get a Tattoo
Though I will probably never do this, I think it would be fun to get a tattoo. If I ever do, I will probably get a hummingbird on my right shoulder blade. I find tattoos very artistic and versatile because the image is up to you.
This is Jasmine Thompson. Please look her up so this bucket list item can be fulfilled.
4.     Discover Someone Famous Before They’re Famous
I think it would be really cool to say “I loved them before they were on TV” or “I read their first book before their second got famous”. This one is all up to chance, but I still hope it will happen.
5.     Publish a Book
I would love for one of my books to be published by a publisher. Self publishing is great and all, but nobody will ever read your book. If something that I had written became a kid’s favorite book I would be happy with life.
6.     Get a Crazy Hairstyle
I think it would be so cool to have a bright blue-green pixie cut someday. I love boldness, and when it comes to looks, you can tell a person is bold if their hair is different.
7.     Watch all of Gossip Girl and Pretty Little Liars
I am not a person that watches a lot of TV, so I think it would be really awesome to finish an entire TV series. Gossip Girl and PLL are two of my favorites.
8.     Meet a Celebrity
This is on a lot of peoples’ bucket lists, but that’s only because it’s commonly wanted by, well, everyone! If I could meet Adam Lambert, Mitch or Scott from Pentatonix, or a member of The Script I would die.
9.     See a Movie Premier
This is just a random wish of mine. Watching celebs walk down the red carpet and then seeing their movie would be so cool.
10.  Slide Down a Bowling Alley
This is from “Across the Universe”, which is a movie that features a ton of the Beatles’ songs, including “I’ve Just Seen a Face”. In the scene where this song is played, everyone starts sliding down a bowling alley. Though it looks painful, it also looks fun. Oh, and speaking of “Across the Universe”, you should watch it. It’s one of the best movies ever.
11.  Learn to do Makeup… Well
I’m okay at makeup. I can do enough to get by in the teenage girl world, but I don’t understand what half of the products I use even do. I am taking a stage makeup workshop in August, but that’s not going to help me with my everyday eyeliner.
12.  Walk into a Surprise Party
Wouldn’t you just love it if someone threw you a surprise party? I know I would. This is another one of those items that depends on chance, but I’m still keeping it on my list, hoping that maybe someone will read it and get to planning *wink wink*.
13.  Flash Mob
I have only seen flash mobs on YouTube, but I can tell that they are amazing and hilarious. Ever since I saw my first dance I have wanted to participate in one.
14.  Roller-skate in a Wheelchair
If you have seen Glee, you probably know where I got for the inspiration for this one. The Glee cast sang Hail Mary, while dancing in a wheelchair to support their friend Artie. I want to take this a step further by actually roller-skating.
15.  Hold up a Free Hugs Sign
Hugs are one of the nicest things in the world, so why not give a hug to a stranger?
16.  Send a Message in a Bottle
You always see this in pirate movies, but never in real life. I want to try it, so I’m going to send a message with my address on it. The person who receives the bottle can let me now they got it by sending me a letter. Another variation of this is sending a note in a balloon.
17.   Bury a Time Capsule
Time capsules come in all shapes and sizes, and they are great for the future. Imagine someone one hundred years from now digging in the ground and finding a box. They open it to discover rare artifacts from the past! How cool would that be?
18.  Carve Something in a Tree
Whether it’s your initials with someone else’s in a heart or just a design, you are leaving your mark on the world. This carving will stay on the tree until it dies or is cut down.
19.  Be Vegetarian for a Week
I already don’t eat cured pork (pepperoni, salami, bacon, ham, etc…), but I wonder what it would be like to not eat any meat at all. This can be either a health or fun experiment (or both). Take a step into a vegetarian’s shoes for a week!
20.  Get a Psychic Reading
Even if you’re a skeptic, you’ve got to admit the concept of being psychic is pretty cool. I think it would be fun to get a psychic reading, whether it’s tarot cars, palm readings, or a message from a medium.
21.  Attend a Pride March
In honor of LGBT Pride Month (July), there are plenty of pride statements all over the world right now. YouTube Videos, Twitter Posts, Pictures, Marches and more! I would be really fun to participate in a pride march
22.  Make a Bulls-eye on a Dartboard
If you’re as unathletically (not sure if that’s a word) skilled as me, you know how amazing it feels when you actually do something right. Think of how great it would be to do something perfect!
23.  Go Scuba Diving at a Coral Reef
If I’m not a professional writer when I grow up I would like to be a marine biologist. By reading this you can probably guess that I like marine wildlife. I recently did a project on coral reefs, which involved me searching for pictures. They are some of the most beautiful and colorful sea life there is.
24.  Go Skydiving
I hear so many good things about skydiving. It’s fun, it’s thrilling, and it’s a little but dangerous, but hey, isn’t everything?
25.  Go to the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta®
New Mexico is famous for it’s hot air balloon rallies. With more than 700 balloons lifting off the ground the festivals are sure to be a wonderful sight.
26.  Win a Raffle
I have done this once before (for a Billy Elliot, the Musical Poster, signed by the original cast), but I would love to do it again. As luck would have it, I was in the bathroom when my name was called so I missed my moment of glory.  So you see why I want a second chance.  Raffles are a fun and (sometimes) cheap chance game. Often held at large events, they put a bunch of names into a basket and pick a few people to receive prizes.
27.  Road Trip
Everyone loves a good road trip. Your legs may be cramped and you could be tired from driving, but once you stop at your many destinations you forget all about that. I personally want to take a road trip down Route 66, seeing all the sight, stopping at old places with neon signs.
28.  Be in a Band
It has always been a dream of mine to perform in a band. You’re making music with your friends. What’s not to like?
29.  Kiss a Dolphin
A good friend of mine recently went on a cruise and came back with a picture that inspired me to add this to my list. She was leaning over a railing, kissing a dolphin. I love dolphins and think this would be a great photo to hang up in a hallway when I’m older.  It’s all fun until they mistake you for a fish, my mother says, but I don’t care. What’s life without a little risk?
30.  Read under a Willow Tree
There are not any willow trees where I live, but I still want to find one and read under it. I feel that this would be relaxing and fulfilling.
31.  Fall Asleep in a Meadow
Plenty of people want to fall asleep on a beach, but that leaves nasty sunburns. Though meadows can give bug bites, bug spray can prevent that. One day I will take a pillow and camera out to a field and just relax, hopefully falling asleep.
32.  Donate a lot of Money to Something
Not everyone is as fortunate as you. Donating money to a third world country or even a local non-profit organization can help the world.
33.  Fly a Kite
Take a step back to your childhood and fly a kite! Head to a local park on a windy day for some fun. I’ve wanted to fly a kite for a long time, and I still have never done it. My friends and I are planning on doing it this summer (see my previous blog post).
34.  Cosplay in Public (Cosplay, not Co-Splay as my mother wrongly interpreted)
If you don’t know what cosplaying is, it’s when you dress up as one of your favorite characters from a book, movie, or TV show. Then go downtown and stroll around. Eat in a restaurant; browse a library, etc… When I do this I’m hoping to get a few people asking for pictures. I want to dress as the Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland.
35.  Float in the Dead Sea
My last item is different from the others in the fact that it is international. I learned about floating in the Dead Sea when I was in sixth grade. I was mystified of how you could not possibly sink, so I decided that one day I was going to visit it and try it for myself.
            That concludes my bucket list (for now). Compared to most, it’s actually pretty short. If you’re feeling bored, make a bucket list. It’s fun, and you’ll have a rough draft for some of the things you want to do in the future.
The Writer

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