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22 March 2015

Camp NaNo Survival Kit

            It’s almost April, which means Camp NaNo is almost here. This is going to be my first year participating in Camp NaNo, so I’ve decided to take a different approach than when I did NaNoWriMo YWP. Instead of 30,000 words I will be aiming for 40,000 and I have been outlining the whole book this whole month. This is allowed, I checked. Anyway, enough of that.  Let’s get to the point: My Camp NaNo Survival Kit.
            Every writer has supplies they use, so I’ve decided to share mine with you. This, is what the box holding most of things looks like:
Sorry it's sideways. My computer's being weird.
            I bought this box on a vacation to Maine because I love moose. It originally had saltwater taffy inside of it, but as you guessed, I finished that quickly. On the back I have a number of quotes, most of them I’ve said.
“You cannot begin to appreciate a good description until you have tried and failed to write one yourself.”
“I think the most frightening horror movie for a writer would be a compilation of books being torn apart on loop.”
“Some writers write because they want to, but most because they have a story to tell.”
“A good story will make you think differently, and maybe even change your life.”
“Nobody, not even a severely burned man, knows pain until their favorite character has died.”
“Writing is like a song. One wrong note can be saved by a beautiful climax.”
“Most of the time authors use their dreams as inspiration. Unfortunately, I cannot do that for my dreams usually involve a vampire vomiting a rainbow.”
            Now for the good stuff, the paraphernalia inside the box.
            Every item in this box I will definitely use during my writing adventures. I also have a few things that will not fit in the box that we will get to later. Now, number one:
            I always have a clicky-pen. I don’t often write on paper, but the pen is in there with the paper just in case. Also, if I suffer a bad case of writer’s block, I can repetitively click the pen until I am so annoyed that I get an idea.
            There are going to be times when I get frustrated with my writing. If that happens I can make myself a cup of tea to calm down and think. Also, it tastes really good.
            It is scientifically proven that if you chew gum while working, you will think clearer and be less stressed. This is helpful for many tasks, including writing. Another benefit of gum is that it cures my cravings for candy and snack food. Instead of junking out, I can stick a tablet of gum in my mouth. My favorite is Eclipse Peppermint gum. Unfortunately, the gas station I bought the gum at only had the Winterfrost flavor, but that’s not a big deal.
Note: Eclipse is not sponsoring. I really do like their gum, and I’m not marketing it.
            If my clicky-pen idea therapy doesn’t work to give me ideas, I use rubber band therapy instead. It’s easy: put the rubber band around your wrist and snap it against your arm a couple times. Sometimes a little bit of pain can help your inspiration.
DO NOT snap yourself so many times that the rubber band leaves a mark. I am not responsible for any injuries.
            Though I don’t have a picture for it, I also include paper in my kit if I want to doodle, make a web, organize my thoughts, or tear apart in frustration. I recommend keeping paper in your kit because it can be very useful.
            Now we come to the objects that are not in the box.
            Aside from tea, my favorite drink is Grapefruit Sparkling Water. Because tea can be a hassle to make, I normally grab a sparkling water from the fridge and sip while I’m working.
            Celery and peanut butter is my go-to writing snack. It takes no preparation (other than washing the celery) and if your careful doesn’t make a huge mess. Some people like to eat this with raisins, but I don’t.
            Of course, I have to include my computer. I have an iMac that I write on, but most writers use laptops. Personally, I like bigger computers.
If you steal my ideas I will find out. This is my story that I created. Plagiarism is illegal and I will sue you if you steal my work.
            I also have my outline. Like I said, I outlined my whole novel. I used Word’s notebook layout for my outline so I could have different tabs. I find it much easier to use than a blank document. The best part is that it comes with Word.
            One of the most important things (aside from the computer) is the Camp NaNo website. This is where I will communicate with other authors and track my word count progress. My username is elisenotelsie1. Sign up and message me so I could possibly include you in my cabin. Link Here:
            My last item is Noveling Music Playlist. I change the songs on this playlist for every book I write, depending on the mood or vibe I’m going for. For my last book all the songs were depressing because it was a depressing book. For this book I’m going for creepy and regretful music, including a little confusing and weird music. I also add a few of my favorite songs so I can jam out. Some writers don’t like song with lyrics, but I don’t mind. You should choose whatever works best for you.
            There we have it, my complete Camp NaNo Survival Kit. Make one yourself and add your own touches.

The Writer